IV Cable-stayed bridge over Guadiana river in Badajoz. Measuring and supervision during the instalation of stay-cables

  • González Barcina, J.M.; Millanes Mato, J


This paper describes the main items dealing with the process of putting in tension the stays of the forth bridge over the Guadiana River in Badajoz. It starts giving a brief overview on the cable-stayed bridge and its construction process, making a complete description of the different measuring devices and of the program specially designed for the bridge. At last, the work of inspection, supervision and evaluation carried out by the authors is established in detail.
How to Cite
, G. B. J. M. M. J. (1997). IV Cable-stayed bridge over Guadiana river in Badajoz. Measuring and supervision during the instalation of stay-cables. Hormigón Y Acero, 48(206). Retrieved from